
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

semi-final interview..


hye there!! i just had Maybank Scholarship phone interview done. My interview was schedule at 11 a.m (i think i already mention about it in my previous post). this was my first time i had a scholarship interview over the phone. it was about 15 mins long. (short jer kot) huhu.. 

well, an officer from maybank called up at about 11.15 a.m, a little bit than the schedule time. wuwuwu.. dah laa nervous, dia boleh plak x punctual. owh. the officer is a Chinese guy, and he very soft spoken. kurang ckit nervous 2.. hik3~
the 1st question he asked was " is it okey i call you now?"
and i told him, "sure, i've been preparing for the call since 15 mins ago" -.-

so it began with introducing about my personal background and also my education background.

then, he asked about my course and why i choose to study at the that university.
after that i need to explain a little bit about current issue of Malaysia economic. huhu! actually i already expect that question, but i still can't explain vividly. huhuhuhuhuhuhu! he also asked about Maybank background and their vision. 

next, it kicked off by asking my greatest strength and weakness! 
wohhhooo.. terlupa plak aku nak mengkaji apa kekuatan dan kelemahan diri ini. hehe! *goreng2* :D

there were many more questions, but i already forgot. tehheeeee~
(sorry, short-term memory lost) *_*

before the interview session ended, he asked me if i've anything to add or any queries.
i said, "if you don't mind, may i know how many candidates will be awarded for this scholarship?" he answer, "oh, there will be only 25 candidates." pffffttt.. (dlm hati, layak ker x aku nie??) ;(

but suddenly, he asked me to wait for a minute. then, taraaaaaaaa.. good news, ALHAMDULILLAH i passed my 1st interview and will be attending the final one next week on 27th. it's gonna be a face-to-face interview with individual presentation and also group presentation too.. huhu!

so need to struggle harder and hoping for the better one in that final interview. 

once again, alhamdulillah.. praise and thank to ALLAH. :)


Sunday, July 17, 2011

nebeeeeesssssssssssss! huk~


hello friends! :)
heeeeeeeeeee.. nebessssssss sgt diri nie.
nak tau tak kenapa? sebab i will be attending an interview for a scholarship award in this coming Tuesday, Insyaallah.
so memang ketaqqqqq abih satu badan dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki. wuwuwuwuwu!
hope that i can perform verrrrrryyy well during that interview session so that it will end gloriously. huhu! pleassseeee guys, do pray HARD for me. -.-

may Allah ease.. Ameen! :)


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

wordless wednesday...


p/s : wordless wednesday sounds cool like seriously.. teheeee~ if u guys just don't get what actually i'm trying to say by the above picture, just let it be.. hehe! toddles~ 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

back to school!!!!


well hello there!

yeahh, let's get back to school! hehe..
i just went to my secondary school last thursday tapi baru hari nie aku dapat update. huhu! kitowg kena incharge one motivation slot untuk form 3 students. actually aku tak tahu apa2 pown.. aku join sbb ada sowg hamba Allah 2 msg aku tengah2 malam then call aku pagi2 buta ajak aku join jgk. haha! at first aku reluctant jugak nak join, tapi aku entah macam mana bley plak berubah fikiran kn. dan hikmahnya, MURAH REZEKI aku you alllssssss taw... haha! *annoying gle*

so let me tell you the details of the program 

location : Sekolah Menengah Sains Pokok Sena, Kedah (SAINA)
time : 10.00 p.m - 12.00 a.m
objective of the program : to motivate the students who will be sitting for the PMR examination soon. (tp aku xtaw laa whether diowg 2 termotivasi or x)

supposedly kitowg ada 3 activities yang nak dilakukan pada malam tersebut. tapi dpt buat 2 jer sebab masa yang sangat padat. 1st activity memerlukan tahap kepekakan  kepekaan yang tinggi. 2nd activity plak time to muhasabah diri. part muhasabah diri nie mmg x bley blah. aku yang mula2 rasa cm agak sebak nie tetiba rasa cm nak gelak guling2 sbb dengar suara insan yg terlibat di sebalik tabir 2. hahaha! hanya mereka saja yang tahu apa yang berlaku kat back stage 2. hehe.. 

aku xtaw laa program malam 2 bley dikataan sbgai sgt berjaya atau sedang2 aja. ye la, briefing about the program kiotwg wuat kat MyFC(saudara KFC jgk nie) sbb suma x sabar2 nak isi pewut masing2. aku x focus sgt pown time briefing 2, aku lbey focus kepada burger aku yang besar tahap x muat nak masuk mulut aku yg cumey nie, haha! after suma dah kenyang2 barulah gerak ke sekolah.
nak tgk insan2 yang terlibat?? suma ada dalam 11 orang kalau x silap aku.. :)

gambar x jelas sebab adik 2 tgkp jauh sgt.
aku taw aku kurang tinggi, tp x perlu laa cekdet atau nama sebenar mahathir nak berdiri blakang aku, kn dah x nmpk full muka hg 2.. haish~

gambar x jelas lg +++ cekdet dah start hyperactive dengan melompat keluar dr gambar..
aku x dapat bayang cmna dia bley survive dekat london 2.. siggghhh~

gambar nie plak masing2 berusaha kuat untuk menunjukan kecumeylan masing2, haha!
cekdet xda dlm pix nie sbb dia dah melompat keluar.
perlu ker aku mention nama setiap insan kat dalam pix nie?? xperlu kot kn, sbb aku pown malas, hehe!

lepas jer habis program 2 kitowg keluar lepak kat kedai makan yang berdekatan. suma refill blk tenaga yang dah abih td. sepatutnya malam 2 tido kat hostel skolah, tp disebabkan lepak smpai lewat pagi confirm2 nnt pak guard byk soal plak kn, so kitowg yang girls nie decide pegi tido kat umah shuhada sbb umah dia yg paling dekat ngan skolah.. :D 
yang boys plak aku xtaw diowg tido mna, maybe ada yang balik umah sndr n ada yang menumpang kat umah owg.

2 jer la kot yang aku nak cerita bout apa yang berlaku malam 2. hehe!
keesokkan hari nya plan nak keluar main bowling n karaoke ramai2 then tgk movie, tp yang jadi nya hnya sebahagian saja. apa pown mmg enjoy gla sbb aku dah lama x berfoya2 cm 2.. haha!

sekian!! toodles~ ;)

p/s : klu kowg perasan dalam pix 2 ada insan kembar yea n diowg sgt mental, haha! and aku sgt berbangga dapat kwn2 yg jujur mcm insan2 kat atas 2 sbb they keep on saying that "awat hg nie makin kecik ja?? macam x ckup zat. " pfffftttt.. aku mmg sayang hampa suma! tima kasih.. :p  

Monday, July 4, 2011

isk isk isk..~


hello there! :)
bila mana phone yg telah kita guna setelah sekian lama tetiba buat hal, apa reaksi kowg? mesti dah start thinking of buying the new one right?? ececece.. tak payah nak cover laa..
because THE SAME THING GOES TO ME! hahahaha..

"dah lama kot pkai phone nie, so it's the time to get the new and the latest one"
-monolong dalaman- 
  kowg pown mesti penah pikir macam 2.. KAN???? oppppsss, terCPAS LOCK plak.. hik3~

so, aku pown berangan-angan nak kumpul duit untuk membeli iPhone 4..
teeeehhhheeeeeee.. agak2 bila tahun aku bley dapat yawww??? sbb musabab nak pkai iPhone ialah taksub tgk casing dia yg cumey kiut miut kat pasaran 2.. 
nak tengok?? sila2.. 

cute kn? aku mmg adore sgt ngan hello kitty skang nie.. :D

yg nie lagi super cute!!! nakkkkkkkk!!!!!!! :(

aku tak ada iPhone.. kau ada??? (i should be the other way around, haha) kalau kau ada, x terasa nak derma ker?? *pap pap pap* lempang ckit bg sedar diri. :)

instead of that hello kitty iPhone casing, aku jugak tengah mencari headphone hello kitty. hari tu dah jumpa kat Times Square, tapi tak ada color PINK. huhu. nak pegi kat Low Yat(btul ker eja cmtu?) tapi takot nak pegi.. boleh alasan camtu?? :D

antara ciri2 headphone impian
tomey nye tomey nye.. :p

semaaaaaarttttt okey! NAK JUGAK!!! :(

kalau ada sesiapa yang tahu kat mana bley dapat benda alah yang cute nie please let me know.. huk3~

okey, that's all for now. till the next post..
tata~ ;)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

viel glück.. ;)


(from google search)

I pray to Allah to give you the strength to handle the pressure that you feel,
I pray to Allah to give you the confidence to feel secure in your knowledge and preparation,
and also to give you the ability to keep an appropriate perspective on it all.
may He help you to keep in your mind what is really important so that everything will run smoothly during that time.

HE is there for you EVERYTIME and EVERYWHERE. :)

so good luck and do your best!
FIGHTING!!! hehe.. ;)

p/s : this post is actually to someone who will be sitting for the examination soon. verrrrryyy sooon. so i just give him some motivational inspiration. hope that this would help. teheeee~ :D (eh2, sy dah terer ckp german. haha)