
Friday, January 27, 2012

setiap sujud terakhir ku


Padamu yang DIA pilih sebagai imamku,
aku bukanlah wanita sempurna, seperti yang mungkin kau harapkan.
dan aku tahu, kaupun bukanlah lelaki yang sempurna..
tetapi aku berharap ketidaksempurnaanku mampu menyempurnakan dirimu.
aibmu adalah aibku dan indahmu adalah indahku...

disetiap sujud terakhir ku,
aku berdoa, seandainya telah Allah catatkan engkau tercipta untukku,
maka seiringkanlah kita dalam melayari kehidupan ini dan halalkanlah hubungan kita ini.
tetapi, seandainya engkau bukan milikku,
aku bermohon diberikan kekuatan menolak bayanganmu jauh ke dada langit,
agar aku sentiasa tenang walaupun tanpa bersamamu.....
sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui segala yang terbaik untuk hamba-hambanya yang lemah ini

Wednesday, January 18, 2012



hello kitty duvet

hello kitty cushion

hello kitty room slipper

hello kitty flip flop

hello kitty pajama 

hello kitty mug

hello kitty coin bank

hello kitty clock

hello kitty bedroom floor mat

hello kitty note book

hello kitty padlock 

hello kitty teddy

hello kitty lappy case

hello kitty mouse

hope to get all these soooonnn..

Sunday, January 15, 2012

my dear sisters


to my dear sisters,

You might be married to the worst man ever, like Asiyah was married to Pharoh. However it didn't change her and her loyalty and love towards Allah grows stronger instead.

You might be married to the best of men, like the Prophet of Allah, but still not enter Heaven, like the wife of Lut (A.S).

You might be not married to any man like Maryam (A.S), but Allah can make your rank higher than any women on the Earth.

All in all,
know your priorities. Love and trust is with Allah first. 

At-Tahrim : (10-12)


Saturday, January 14, 2012

new "garment " for my fav one ;)


hello there!!!
wanna share with you guys my new hello ketot kitty collections 

hello kitty iphone case and hello kitty plugy

fresh from the oven parcel 

front view

back view

last but not least, the hello kitty plugy :D

it's sooooo adorable! can't take my eyes of it! haha *over*
bertambah lagi yea koleksi hello kitty saya!!! sukaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ :D

that's all for now.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

wordless wednesday : Best Friend Forever :)






long lasting friendship ;)

"a friend is a forever thing"


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Rejuvenate yourselves ;)


Hello 2011 2012!!!
my first entry in this wonderful new year ^_^
i know its quite late to wish you guys a very happy new year but yeah, I still wanna do the wish! tehee~
hope you guys have a blissful new year key. insyaallah :)

okey, back to the topic. currently i'm on a semester break. *senorok2* :D
balik aloq setaq terchentaaaaaaaaa~ 
i just wanna share with you guys on how to indulge your body and skin. instead of going to spa, we just can do it at our home sweet home. *jimat oii jimat* 

by making 
homemade body scrub
and homemade face mask

ingredients for body scrub
1. uncooked rice

2. honey (the raw one yea)

actually, this is a traditional method kn? i bet mostly dah penah dengar cara nie. you just soak the rice with water. then goreng smpai nmpk keperang-perangan ckit. dah siap goreng, biar ianya sejuk dulu baru blend smpai halus. after that just take about 2 tbls of the rice powder td and mix kan dia with 2 tbls of honey. dah siap! boleh laa rub them on your skin. but make sure your skin is moist when apply it on and no need to use soap after scrubbing your body.
very simple kan? rajin dengan tak jer, hehe! insyaallah akan dapat a very soft skin like a newborn baby. ahak~ ;)

ingredients for face mask plak
 2 tbls of honey
2 tbls of fresh milk
 dutch lady pown bolehhh, hehe!

(depend laa pada kowg nak byk mne key, not a matter pown actually) :D

step nye, mix jer all the ingredients then apply evenly all over your face and let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes.
wash off with warm water yea. done!!

the skin becomes soft, smooth and firm!
Try it. It really works. hehe.

till the next post~
have a great day!
tata~ ;)