
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Islamic Performance Night


hellllllloooo :)

di petang yang hening ini ingin ku menceritakan kisah pada malam mingguku yang lalu.. danggggg~ 
ayat dah x bley nak puitis lagi dah :p
nie cerita LAST week punya yea, dah lama bersawang kat dalam draft, huhu!

last week on saturday night, IIUM organized the Islamic Performance Night(IPN). It's actually a closing launch for the 27th IIUM Convocation Fiesta. It was quite happening and indeed I enjoyed the talk and also the performance. theme for the talk was about STUDENT LIFE and LOVE. It's kinda interesting topic to be brought and discussed with the students. 
speciaaaalllll appearance for the night were ;
Ummi Ros from Rhaudatus Sakinah
Ustaz Akhil Hayy
Hafiz Hamidon
Heliza Helmi
Wardina Saffiyah

unfortunately, Kak Dina just spent a little time with us because she got other important thing to catch up. but it still worth to see her in person and listen to her inspiring words. thanx Kak Dina, you are beautiful as the way you are. wink3~ :)

Heliza, Ustaz Akhil Hayy and Ummi Ros were the panel for the talk and Hafiz was the moderator. the talk went hilariously yet it still full with the good messages. Heliza really made the night. She is like an eye catching and very talkative. Hope to see her closer but I don't get the chance. I think none of us that went that night got the chance. haha! nevertheless, we really enjoy the performance by Devotees and Miwarna. Last of all, Ustaz Akhil Hayy sang two song, Adam & Hawa and Hambamu ft. UIA's student named Nazmi maybe, if I'm not mistaken. hehe! They were just awesome and the event end up gloriously..

thus, before you guys click the X button on the right of the top, please do enjoy the photos, teheeeee~ :D

abang MC kita yea

nie tgh practice before buat performance, hik3~


that all for now..
thanks for viewing and reading, toodles~

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